Lake Baringo Reptile Park is a captivating destination for wildlife enthusiasts, offering a unique opportunity to encounter some of Kenya’s most fascinating reptiles. Nestled near the shores of Lake Baringo, the park is home to a diverse array of species, including Nile crocodiles, various snake species, and monitor lizards. Visitors can learn about these creatures through guided tours, which provide insights into their behavior, habitats, and conservation efforts. The park’s serene setting and well-maintained enclosures make it an educational and exciting experience for all ages, highlighting the importance of reptile conservation in the region.
This park was opened in 2003 so as to educate the local community and visitors on the different species of reptile around. It was created in conjunction with the Museum Nationale d’histoire Naturelle in Paris. T
Airlines, This park was opened in 2003 so as to educate the local community and visitors on the different species of reptile around. It was created in conjunction with the Museum Nationale d’histoire Naturelle in Paris. T
3 Stars Hotels
Feb, Mar, Apr & May
Eco-Tour, Hiking
All meals during the trek
English, Spanish, French, Chinese
Easy to Moderate
Lake Baringo Reptile Park
This park was established in 2003 to inform the public about the various species of reptiles that are present. The Museum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris collaborated on its creation. The museum is open every day and showcases a variety of reptile species, including the Black Mamba, Puff Adder, Boomslang (tree snake), Spitting Cobra, Monitor Lizards, Crocodiles, and a central pit shared by endangered tortoises and harmless Stripe-bellied Sand Snakes. There is trained staff available to take you around and answer your questions.
Lake Baringo Reptile Park
- This park was opened in 2003 so as to educate the local community and visitors on the different species of reptile around. It was created in conjunction with the Museum Nationale d’histoire Naturelle in Paris. The museum is opened daily and displays several species of reptiles including the Black Mamba, Puff Adder, Boomslang (tree snake), Spitting Cobra as well as Monitor Lizards, Crocodiles and a central pit shared by endangered tortoises and harmless Stripe Bellied Sand Snakes.